Friday, August 22, 2008

ONE day of school..

We woke up witha tingling sensation on our feet,Sweaty palm and our heart seems to beat faster. We had this feelings before and we knew what our body is telling us to do..

Without hesitation. LETS SKATE !!

Wooohh.. Becareful there,Hariz Cine just made his first appearence on urethrane.blogspot.

Give way !!

Followed by Muzka awesome BS flip.

Then we were happily skating that we forgot to take some other hotspots in the area. by the way, That stairs is allocated at Jurong East. Near a mosque there. haha.

But it doesn't end there, Muzka still got 'that' feelings even after the day turns to NIGHT.. So night skating it is.

These two pictures were taken with TWO different cameras, NOT at the same time. different angle and different timing, So you can see how Muzka works his way into the Indy grab.
And that yellow thing down there. Its actually a signal to Muzka that he gotta pop out already beacause Muzka can't see well in the night.. haha, Nah, just joking. Its just a tray that we just added in.

The above two pictures were taken in Taman Jurong, There is alot of places like this in Taman Jurong, Its random choosing of places.
Alright. Still not satisfied.. ? Then do keep reading this blog and we'll satisfy your craving of street skating. Peace out.